Welcome to the Frary Family Association (FFA) home page. The Association was formed in 1970 to promote the knowledge of the history of the Frary family, fellowship and awareness through meetings and publications. The first immigrants to America were John and Prudence Frary and their three sons, who came over from Norwich, Norfolk, England around 1637, settling first near Watertown, MA and later in Dedham, MA and Medfield, MA.
One family branch settled in Deerfield, MA and was cruelly affected by the infamous Indian Massacre of February 29, 1703/4. Every even year Deerfield is our host for the Frary Family Reunion. Included in the historic Deerfield’s original main street is the Frary House, built circa 1719 by Nathaniel Frary, which is maintained at that age and hosts tours all year long. The FFA is a large supporter of the Frary House.
The FFA produced a family genealogy book in 1981 called The Frary Family In America. A Continuation was published in 1985. Five Supplements were then published at two year intervals ending in 1995. All of this material is now out of print. With no new material published since 1995 it is now the goal of the FFA to produce a new book to encompass all previous material and any new information available in this new modern era of the Internet. Assistance will be needed from family members to keep the genealogical committee informed of any changes in their family such as births, marriages and deaths.
The Grace Adele Frary Scholarship Fund was set up to award a cash gift towards college tuition to a worthy child of a FFA member. Application forms are available here.
FFA newsletters are published in May and November of each year and are also available on our Members Only page. Current news, reunion information, family articles and milestones are reported. Members are encouraged to send in their ideas and updates.
If you are not a current member of the FFA please consider joining. New membership and renewals of your membership can be purchased online here. Donations are always appreciated to help us achieve our goals. We are now able to receive donations online, please visit this page for donations. Lastly, do not forget to like us on Facebook, where Frarys from all over the world share news and pictures.
Two tours to the Old Country were sponsored by the FFA, which included multiple days at Norwich, England, the last known residence of our immigrant John. The most recent tour was in 2009 and also included visits to London, northern England, Scotland and Ireland. If there is enough interest perhaps another tour could happen in the future!